Investigation of Groundwater Contaminated with Chlorinated Hydrocarbons and Liability Identification

Diagnosis of Pollution Liabilities and Responsibilities

Identify Land Pollution
Diagnosis of Pollution Areas and Responsibilities
Specialized Technology to Avoid Pollution Expansion

Site Background

The detection of groundwater pollution is challenging. There have been several cases where large industrial complexes were involved in the leakage of pollutants from neighboring businesses or where multiple businesses have jointly caused pollution outside their premises or land. ApolloTech has been entrusted by a client to treat groundwater chlorine organic matter pollution in its plant area. During the implementation period, in addition to restricting the scope of pollution groups within the client’s plant area, we also organized emergency response and pollution identification outside the area to protect our client’s rights and avoid the expansion of pollution. 

Pollution Diagnosis

To establish a conceptual model, ApolloTech used multiple qualitative and quantitative techniques to cross-analyze pollution pathways and fingerprints inside and outside the plant. The model was used to trace pathways and identify pollution in areas with abnormal groundwater pollution outside the plant. The results were used to preserve evidence and improve the remediation, so avoiding subsequent disputes over identifying pollution-engaging entities outside the plant and preventing pollution impact from expanding.

Remediation Approach

Based on the direction of groundwater flow, the concentration distribution of PCE* in groundwater wells, and the results of stable isotope identification, ApolloTech conclusively determined that the off-site groundwater pollution was not the result of the upstream plant’s pollution spreading. We then assisted our client with the competent authorities and successfully proved they were not responsible for pollution remediation outside their plant area.

Note:  *Perchloroethylene (PCE)

Key Data

Groundwater PollutantChlorine-containing pollutant
Site Area35,000 m2




Geophysical Determination of Pollution-Potential Areas

Hydrogeological Survey and Fine-Scale Analysis of Pollution Areas

Chemical Fingerprinting

Compound-Specific Stable Isotope Analysis (CSIA)